Digest not working

This forum includes information on how to use the CrashForum.info site. It is set up by the administrators to help new users understand how to make posts/topics, add attachments, create daily/weekly/monthly email digests, bookmark topics and customize settings. This section also includes information on how to become a "Verified Member" and access the entire site.
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Location: Alberta, Canada

Digest not working

Post by dpohl »

I've set my Crashforum digest multiple times over the past years, but it simply stops sending and then changes to "no digest" after a few days or weeks, such that I get no messages until I realize I'm no longer getting them (a month or two later). Any suggestions to make the digest options "stick" and not turn off?

Don Pohl
Graham Ryan Consulting Ltd.

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Rusty Haight
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Re: Digest not working

Post by Rusty Haight »

Hi, Don, the digest IS working, but your settings don't call for one to be sent because, at one time, emails to you from the Forum were blocked and then the digests stopped sending. Here's the activity log for your email showing yours stopped sending in April:
Don Log.PNG
But others are being sent based on their selected preferences so long as they don't continue to bounce at which point the system stops sending the digest. Here's some of the Digest log from today:
Recent log.PNG
Where digest emails are bounced, we get a message back. Here are SOME of today's messages:
And then we'll go through those and try to correct what we can on our end, but where people have autoresponders or have blocked the digest, we can't fix that from our side and their Digest settings are reset.
- Rusty Haight
Collision Safety Institute

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